Set primarily in South East London, the film follows Micky Mason, a talented tradesman who, after the economic downturn, is left with only low-paying, unstable jobs. In a desperate bid to support his family, he makes an uncharacteristic decision. While the story centers on survival, it balances moments of warmth, tenderness, and humor amidst the struggle. It portrays individuals navigating their paths through challenging times. At its heart, it’s about Micky Mason—a man striving to do his best in today’s world.
Genre: Drama
Director: Mark Gillis
Actors: Bradley Hall, Ian Hogg, Joanna Monro, Josh Herdman, Ken Shorter, Mark Gillis, Marlene Sidaway, Martin Herdman, Sadie Shimmin, Tracey Wilkinson
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BBD Productions
Worldwide Gross: $3,187