Small Town Crime
In this gritty crime thriller, an ex-cop with a troubled past stumbles upon the body of a young woman and becomes determined to find her killer, leading him into a dangerous underworld. The film stars John Hawkes, known for his compelling performances, alongside Anthony Anderson and Octavia Spencer, who add depth to the narrative. Directed by the Eshom Nelms brothers, the movie combines elements of mystery and drama, creating a tense atmosphere that keeps viewers engaged. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its strong performances and intriguing plot have been noted by audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Eshom Nelms, Ian Nelms
Actors: Anthony Anderson, Caity Lotz, Clifton Collins Jr., Daniel Sunjata, James Lafferty, John Hawkes, Michael Vartan, Octavia Spencer, Robert Forster, Stefanie Scott
Country: United States of America
Company: 6 Foot Films, Avva Pictures, DirecTV