In this 2012 horror film directed by Michael J. Gallagher, a group of college students becomes entangled in a terrifying urban legend involving a mysterious figure known as Smiley. The plot unfolds as the protagonist, Ashley, played by Caitlin Gerard, delves deeper into the legend, questioning her own sanity and the reality around her. The film features a cast that includes Melanie Papalia and Shane Dawson, adding a mix of suspense and psychological thrills. While it did not receive any notable awards, the movie gained attention for its exploration of internet culture and urban myths. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Michael J. Gallagher
Actors: Andrew James Allen, Caitlin Gerard, Jana Gallagher, Jana Winternitz, Keith David, Liza Weil, Melanie Papalia, Michael Traynor, Roger Bart, Shane Dawson, Toby Turner
Country: United States of America
Company: Andrew E. Freedman Public Relations, Level 10 Films, Paramount Pictures