Smuggler’s Ransom
In the year 1985, amidst the intense Cold War tensions between the East and West, a young woman named Carmen is caught by communist authorities while trying to smuggle Bibles into Romania. Her father, a former Soviet nuclear physicist who lost faith in the regime and defected to the West, becomes the target of Soviet demands. They insist he must surrender to them in exchange for Carmen’s safety. To prevent the Soviets from reclaiming their scientist, the U.S. government decides to deploy a solo operative to rescue Carmen, ensuring that America does not have to meet the demands of the smugglers.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Brandon Rice, Daniel Noa
Actors: Anthony Tyler Quinn, Dan Payne, Dorota Krimmel, Jane Doole, Jeff Doba, Justin Little, Katherine Norland, Marina Resa, Melissa Pollard, Sarah Rice
Country: United States of America