Sniper: Reloaded
In this action-packed thriller directed by Claudio Fäh, the story follows Marine Sgt. Brandon Beckett, played by Chad Michael Collins, as he embarks on a mission in the African Congo. Tasked with rescuing a European farmer, Beckett’s mission takes a deadly turn when his team is ambushed by a mysterious sniper. With the help of legendary sniper Richard Miller, portrayed by Billy Zane, Beckett must navigate a web of betrayal and danger to uncover the truth. The film is part of the Sniper series and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller, War
Director: Claudio Fäh
Actors: Annabel Wright, Billy Zane, Chad Michael Collins, Conrad Kemp, Hlomla Dandala, Justin Strydom, Kayla Privett, Khulu M. Skenjana, Patrick Lyster, Richard Sammel
Country: Germany, South Africa, United States of America
Company: ApolloMovie Beteiligungs, Film Afrika Worldwide, Stage 6 Films