“Snuffet” is a found footage film with a chilling twist, where the victims are puppets. Picture a world identical to ours, but with one significant difference: puppets are real and live alongside humans. Beneath the surface of this world lies a dark underbelly, rife with puppet-related issues such as racism, hate crimes, civil rights struggles, and even puppet-targeting serial killers. The narrative centers on the video diary of a deranged individual who preys on puppets, capturing his gruesome acts of hunting, mutilating, dismembering, and violating these defenseless Puppet Americans. Witness their cries, suffering, and pleas for mercy as a masked killer methodically takes them apart, stitch by stitch.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Dustin Mills
Actors: Allison Egan, B.J. Colangelo, Brandon Salkil, Janet Jay
Country: United States of America