Some Like It Hot
Set in the roaring 1920s, this classic comedy follows two struggling musicians, played by Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, who accidentally witness a mob hit. To escape the gangsters, they disguise themselves as women and join an all-female band, where they meet the enchanting Sugar Kane, portrayed by Marilyn Monroe. Directed by Billy Wilder, the film is celebrated for its witty dialogue and comedic performances. It won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design and has been hailed as one of the greatest comedies of all time. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Music, Romance, Top250Movies
Director: Billy Wilder
Actors: Billy Gray, George E. Stone, George Raft, Jack Lemmon, Joan Shawlee, Joe E. Brown, Marilyn Monroe, Nehemiah Persoff, Pat O’Brien, Tony Curtis
Country: United States of America
Company: Ashton Productions, The Mirisch Corporation
Worldwide Gross: $208,786