Someone Marry Barry
In this comedic tale, three childhood friends devise a plan to find a wife for their socially awkward and often inappropriate friend, Barry, in hopes of finally getting him out of their hair. However, their scheme takes an unexpected turn when Barry meets a woman who is just as outrageous as he is, leading to a series of humorous and chaotic events. The film features performances by Tyler Labine, Damon Wayans Jr., and Lucy Punch. Directed by Rob Pearlstein, this movie offers a light-hearted exploration of friendship and love. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Rob Pearlstein
Actors: Amanda Lund, Damon Wayans Jr., Ed Helms, Frankie Shaw, Ginger Gonzaga, Hayes MacArthur, Joe Lo Truglio, Lucy Punch, Tyler Labine, Wyatt Oleff
Country: United States of America
Company: Madrose Productions, Straight Up Films