Son in Law
In this 1993 comedy directed by Steve Rash, a small-town farm girl named Rebecca ventures to Los Angeles for college, where she befriends the eccentric and free-spirited Crawl, played by Pauly Shore. When Rebecca invites Crawl to her family’s farm for Thanksgiving, cultural clashes and comedic misunderstandings ensue as Crawl tries to fit into the rural lifestyle. The film explores themes of acceptance and identity, with Carla Gugino and Lane Smith also starring. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a nostalgic favorite for its humorous take on city versus country life. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Steve Rash
Actors: Carla Gugino, Cindy Pickett, Dan Gauthier, Dennis Burkley, Lane Smith, Mason Adams, Michael George, Patrick Renna, Pauly Shore, Tiffani Thiessen
Country: United States of America
Company: Hollywood Pictures, Touchwood Pacific Partners 1
Worldwide Gross: $36,448,400