In this 1982 fantasy adventure, directed by Jack Hill, the story follows twin sisters who are separated at birth to protect them from a malevolent sorcerer. As they grow up, they discover their magical powers and embark on a quest to defeat the evil forces threatening their world. The film features a blend of sword and sorcery elements, with a notable performance by the lead actresses. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Jack Hill
Actors: Ana De Sade, Bruno Rey, David Millbern, Douglas Sanders, Leigh Harris, Lynette Harris, Miguel Ángel Fuentes, Roberto Ballesteros, Roberto Nelson, Tony Stevens
Country: Mexico, United States of America
Company: Corporación Nacional Cinematográfica (CONACINE), New World Pictures