Inspired by the timeless tale of Sleeping Beauty, this unconventional fairy tale reimagines the story for contemporary viewers. It centers on Moses (Joe Schneck), who experiences frequent seizures during which he encounters Glintentica, a rejected Goddess plotting her comeback to the mortal realm. Complications ensue when Glintentica sets her sights on possessing the soul of David (Tom Bailey), Moses’ newfound romantic partner. With the assistance of a priest, his roommate (Becca Connolly), and David, Moses sets out on an extraordinary journey to discover the means to vanquish Glintentica permanently.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Director: Dan Mohr, Jeffrey Maccubbin, Jeffrey McHale
Actors: Becca Connolly, Helen Larimore, Jeffrey Maccubbin, Joe Schenck, Margaret Bell, Sam Koenigsberg, Sean Ewert, Tim Harms, Tom Bailey, Will Byrne
Country: United States of America
Company: Split Pillow