South Solitary
Set in 1927, this film follows the story of Meredith Appleton, played by Miranda Otto, who arrives at a remote lighthouse island with her uncle, the new head keeper. As they settle into the isolated environment, Meredith encounters the withdrawn assistant keeper, portrayed by Marton Csokas, and a small community of residents, each grappling with their own struggles. The film explores themes of loneliness, connection, and resilience against the backdrop of the harsh, windswept island. Directed by Shirley Barrett, the movie offers a poignant look at human relationships in a desolate setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Shirley Barrett
Actors: Barry Otto, Essie Davis, Marton Csokas, Miranda Otto, Reef Ireland, Rohan Nichol
Country: Australia
Company: Film Victoria, MacGowan Films, Omnilab Media
Worldwide Gross: $445,957