Speedway Junky
Set against the vibrant backdrop of Las Vegas, this film follows the journey of a young man named Johnny, played by Jesse Bradford, who dreams of becoming a NASCAR driver. As he navigates the city’s underbelly, he encounters a group of street hustlers, including a character portrayed by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, which leads him into a world of unexpected challenges and self-discovery. Directed by Nickolas Perry, the movie explores themes of ambition, identity, and the search for belonging. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers a gritty portrayal of youth and aspiration. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nickolas Perry
Actors: Adrienne Frantz, Daryl Hannah, Erik Alexander Gavica, Jesse Bradford, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jordan Brower, Justin Urich, Patrick Renna, Patsy Kensit, Tiffani Thiessen
Country: Israel, United States of America
Company: Golan-Globus Productions, Magic Entertainment Inc., Miracle Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $17,246