Spinning Plates
“Spinning Plates” is a documentary that delves into the stories of three remarkable dining establishments and the exceptional individuals behind them. It features a pioneering restaurant ranked as the seventh-best globally, where the chef faces a life-threatening challenge in his pursuit of culinary excellence. Another focus is a 150-year-old family-run eatery that endures due to its deep-rooted ties with the local community. The film also highlights a budding Mexican restaurant whose proprietors are risking everything to sustain their business and support their young daughter. These compelling narratives of family, heritage, passion, and perseverance illustrate the profound significance of food and its ability to forge connections among people.
Views: 3
Genre: Documentary
Director: Joseph Levy
Actors: Cindy Breitbach, Grant Achatz, Mike Breitbach, Thomas Keller
Country: United States of America
Company: Ambush Entertainment, Chaos Theory Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $124,856