In this frenetic and gritty exploration of addiction, the film follows a group of methamphetamine users over the course of three days, delving into their chaotic and intertwined lives. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund, the movie features a notable cast including Jason Schwartzman, Mickey Rourke, and Brittany Murphy, who bring depth to their troubled characters. The narrative captures the raw and often surreal experiences of its characters, offering a darkly comedic yet poignant look at the consequences of drug abuse. While the film did not receive major awards, it is recognized for its unique visual style and intense performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jonas Åkerlund
Actors: Brittany Murphy, China Chow, Chloe Hunter, Elisa Bocanegra, Eric Roberts, Jason Schwartzman, John Leguizamo, Mena Suvari, Mickey Rourke, Patrick Fugit
Country: United States of America
Company: Brink Films, Little Magic Films, Muse Productions
Worldwide Gross: $692,065