Ken Andrews, played by Faison, has always been the mastermind behind the intricate and comical pranks at his friends’ bachelor parties, leaving behind a trail of emotional and occasionally physical marks. Now, it’s Ken’s turn to be the groom, and he anxiously anticipates the retribution his friends have planned for him. His only solace is knowing that Carl, portrayed by Pat Thornton, will be there to support him—provided Carl can tear himself away from the Hollywood starlet, Veronica, played by Amurri. Ken is about to find out that revenge can be far more intense than he ever anticipated. The screenplay is by Brett Heard.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Brett Heard
Actors: Brendan Gall, Donald Faison, Eva Amurri, Eva Amurri Martino, Georgina Reilly, Jefferson Brown, Jon Dore, Leah Renee, Pat Thornton, Sugar Lyn Beard, Tony Nappo
Country: Canada
Company: Fresh Baked Entertainment