Star Wars: The Last Jedi
In this installment of the iconic space saga, the Resistance faces off against the First Order in a high-stakes battle for survival. As Rey seeks guidance from the reclusive Luke Skywalker, she grapples with her burgeoning powers and the mysteries of the Force. The film features standout performances from stars such as Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, and Adam Driver. Directed by Rian Johnson, it explores themes of legacy, redemption, and the gray areas between good and evil. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 23
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Rian Johnson
Actors: Adam Driver, Adrian Edmondson, Amanda Lawrence, Andy Nyman, Andy Serkis, Anthony Daniels, Ben Schwartz, Benicio del Toro, Bern Collaço, Bill Hader, Billie Lourd, Brian Herring, Carrie Fisher, Chelsea Hamill, Crystal Clarke, Daisy Ridley, Dave Chapman, Domhnall Gleeson, Edgar Wright, Ellie Goulding, Frank Oz, Gareth Edwards, Gary Barlow, Griffin Hamill, Gwendoline Christie, Hermione Corfield, Hugh Skinner, Jamie Christopher, Jimmy Vee, Joe Cornish, John Boyega, Joonas Suotamo, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Justin Theroux, Kate Dickie, Kelly Marie Tran, Kiran Shah, Laura Dern, Liang Yang, Lily Cole, Lupita Nyong'o, Mark Hamill, Mark Lewis Jones, Mike Quinn, Nathan Hamill, Navin Chowdhry, Noah Segan, Oscar Isaac, Paul Kasey, Peter Mayhew, Prince Harry, Prince William, Ralph Ineson, Shauna Macdonald, Tim Rose, Tom Kane, Veronica Ngo, Warwick Davis
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Robot, Bluebush Productions, Lucasfilm, Ram Bergman Productions, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,334,407,706