Stegman Is Dead
In this darkly comedic crime caper, a low-level criminal finds himself in over his head when a simple job goes awry, leading to a chaotic series of events involving a colorful cast of characters. The film features performances from Michael Eklund and Andrea del Campo, who bring a unique energy to the story’s absurd twists and turns. Directed by David Hyde, the movie offers a fresh take on the crime genre with its blend of humor and suspense. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director: David Hyde
Actors: Aaron Hughes, Aaron Merke, Aidan Ritchie, Andrea del Campo, Bernice Liu, Frank Adamson, J. Adam Brown, Michael Eklund, Michael Ironside, Stephen Eric McIntyre
Country: Canada
Company: Cinicofilms, Julijette