Inspired by an incredible true event, this film recounts the 1973 bank robbery and hostage situation in a European city, as detailed in Daniel Lang’s 1974 New Yorker piece, “The Bank Drama.” The incident captivated global audiences when the hostages developed an unexpected connection with their captors and opposed the authorities, leading to the identification of the psychological condition now referred to as “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Views: 10
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Crime
Director: Robert Budreau
Actors: Bea Santos, Christopher Heyerdahl, Christopher Wagelin, Ethan Hawke, Gustaf Hammarsten, Ian Matthews, John Ralston, Mark Rendall, Mark Strong, Noomi Rapace, Shanti Roney, Thorbjørn Harr
Country: Canada, Sweden, United States of America
Company: Chimney, Darius Films, Lumanity Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,139,481