Story of My Death
In this intriguing film by Albert Serra, the narrative explores the final days of the infamous libertine Giacomo Casanova as he encounters the mysterious and supernatural figure of Count Dracula. The story unfolds in a lush, atmospheric setting, blending historical drama with elements of gothic horror. The film is noted for its unique visual style and contemplative pacing, offering a meditative reflection on themes of desire, mortality, and the passage of time. It won the prestigious Golden Leopard award at the Locarno Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Albert Serra
Actors: Clara Visa, Clàudia Robert, Eliseu Huertas, Lluís Carbó, Lluís Serrat, Mike Landscape, Montse Triola, Noelia Rodenas, Vicenç Altaió, Xavier Pau
Country: France, Romania, Spain
Company: Andergraun Films, Capricci Films, Televisió de Catalunya (TV3)
Worldwide Gross: $77