Street of Shame
Set in the red-light district of Tokyo, this poignant drama explores the lives of several women working in a brothel, each grappling with personal struggles and societal pressures. The film delves into themes of economic hardship and the quest for dignity, offering a compassionate yet unflinching look at their realities. Directed by the renowned Kenji Mizoguchi, it is noted for its sensitive portrayal of its characters and its critique of post-war Japanese society. The film features standout performances from stars such as Machiko Kyo and Ayako Wakao. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Kenji Mizoguchi
Actors: Aiko Mimasu, Ayako Wakao, Bontarō Miake, Daisuke Katô, Eitarō Shindō, Haruo Tanaka, Hiroko Machida, Kenji Sugawara, Kumeko Urabe, Machiko Kyō, Michiyo Kogure, Sadako Sawamura, Yasuko Kawakami
Country: Japan
Company: Daiei Studios
Worldwide Gross: $7,549