6.7 1h 34min
In this intriguing British film, two eccentric traveling salesmen, played by Ed Gaughan and Andrew Buckley, offer a unique service: they reveal the hidden secrets of their clients’ lives. As…
The Unloved
6.8 1h 46min
The Unloved
“The Unloved” is a film that offers a perspective from a child’s viewpoint on the U.K.’s state-run care system for orphans and at-risk children. The story centers around Lucy, an…
Donkey Punch
5.2 1h 39min
Donkey Punch
In this tense thriller directed by Olly Blackburn, a group of British friends embarks on a sun-soaked holiday in Spain, where they meet a group of young men who invite…
And When Did You Last See Your Father?
6.8 1h 32min
And When Did You Last See Your Father?
This poignant drama, directed by Anand Tucker, explores the complex relationship between a son and his ailing father. The film stars Colin Firth and Jim Broadbent, who deliver compelling performances…
This Is England
7.7 1h 41min
This Is England
Set in 1983, this film follows a young boy named Shaun, played by Thomas Turgoose, as he navigates the challenges of adolescence in a small English town. After befriending a…
Dead Man’s Shoes
7.5 1h 30min
Dead Man’s Shoes
A soldier returns home to his small town and exacts a deadly revenge on the thugs who tormented his dimwitted brother while he was away.