The Electric Mayhem Band embarks on an extraordinary musical adventure to create their debut studio album. Guided by Nora, a determined young music executive, this classic Muppet band confronts the…
This short-form, unscripted series showcases beloved Muppet characters teaming up with celebrity guests, creating a platform that sparks delightful absurdity and genuine enjoyment.
The playful escapades and whimsical adventures of a young Kermit the Frog, Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Animal, Summer Penguin, and Miss Nanny are reimagined in this series.
The Muppets make a comeback to primetime television with a modern, documentary-inspired series. This groundbreaking show delves into the personal lives and relationships of the Muppets, showcasing their experiences both…
In this 2011 film directed by James Bobin, the beloved puppet ensemble embarks on a mission to save their old theater from a greedy oil tycoon. With the help of…