Directed by Penelope Spheeris, this 1983 film delves into the lives of a group of young runaways and punks who form a makeshift family in the abandoned suburbs of Los Angeles. The narrative explores themes of alienation, rebellion, and the search for belonging amidst societal neglect. Featuring a cast of mostly non-professional actors, the film captures the raw and gritty essence of the punk subculture of the time. While it did not receive any major awards, it is noted for its authentic portrayal of youth counterculture. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Penelope Spheeris
Actors: Andrew Pece, Bill Coyne, Chris Pedersen, Christina Beck, Flea, Grant Miner, Jennifer Clay, Maggie Ehrig, Timothy O'Brien, Wade Walston
Country: United States of America
Company: Suburbia Productions