In this 1996 film directed by Michael Cimino, a terminally ill Navajo teenager, played by Jon Seda, kidnaps a successful oncologist, portrayed by Woody Harrelson, in a desperate quest for spiritual healing. The journey takes them across the American Southwest, exploring themes of redemption and cultural identity. Despite its intriguing premise and notable performances, the film did not receive significant critical acclaim or awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Michael Cimino
Actors: Alexandra Tydings, Andrea Roth, Anne Bancroft, Jon Seda, Lawrence Pressman, Matt Mulhern, Michael O'Neill, Richard Bauer, Talisa Soto, Victor Aaron, Woody Harrelson
Country: United States of America
Company: Appledown Films Inc., Joseph S. Vecchio Entertainment, Monarchy Enterprises B.V.
Worldwide Gross: $21,508