Sunset Boulevard
In this classic film noir directed by Billy Wilder, a struggling screenwriter, played by William Holden, finds himself entangled with a reclusive former silent film star, portrayed by Gloria Swanson. The story delves into themes of faded glory and the dark side of Hollywood, as the screenwriter becomes increasingly involved in the actress’s delusional plans for a comeback. The film is renowned for its sharp script and haunting performances, earning three Academy Awards. Notably, it features a memorable cameo by director Cecil B. DeMille. This iconic piece of cinema can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, New Year's Eve, Top250Movies
Director: Billy Wilder
Actors: Charles Dayton, Erich von Stroheim, Franklyn Farnum, Fred Clark, Gloria Swanson, Jack Webb, Larry J. Blake, Lloyd Gough, Nancy Olson, William Holden
Country: United States of America
Company: Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $309,467