In this comedic parody, the film takes a humorous jab at the high-octane world of street racing and heist films, particularly targeting the popular Fast & Furious franchise. The plot follows an undercover cop who infiltrates a gang of illegal street racers to bring down a crime lord. Directed by Aaron Seltzer, known for his work in spoof films, the movie features a cast of lesser-known actors who deliver exaggerated performances to amplify the comedic effect. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it offers a light-hearted take on the action genre and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Aaron Seltzer, Jason Friedberg
Actors: Alex Ashbaugh, Andrea Navedo, Dale Pavinski, Dio Johnson, Gonzalo Menendez, J. J. Soria, Lili Mirojnick, Omar Chaparro, Shakira Barrera, Shantel Wislawski
Country: United States of America
Company: 3 in the Box, The Safran Company
Worldwide Gross: $2,075,731