In this 2019 film directed by Steve Barron, a group of aging superheroes find themselves living in a retirement home in Ireland, where their powers are closely monitored. The story follows these once-mighty heroes as they grapple with the challenges of aging and the loss of their former glory. The cast includes notable actors such as Tom Berenger, Beau Bridges, and Fionnula Flanagan, who bring depth to their roles as they navigate a world that has moved on without them. This unique take on the superhero genre offers a blend of humor and heart, exploring themes of friendship and resilience. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Steve Barron
Actors: Aaron Heffernan, Beau Bridges, Clive Russell, Elya Baskin, Fiona Glascott, Fionnula Flanagan, John Kavanagh, Lochlann O'Mearáin, Louis Gossett, Jr., Tom Berenger
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom
Company: Merlin Films, Riley Productions