“Svengali” follows the journey of Dixie, a mail carrier from South Wales with a deep passion for music. His lifelong aspiration has been to uncover an exceptional band, and one day, while browsing YouTube, he stumbles upon ‘The Premature Congratulations’. Determined to manage them, he tracks them down and proposes his services. The band is youthful, confident, alluring, and truly remarkable. Armed with their demo on a cassette tape, Dixie ventures into the bustling streets of London…
Views: 4
Director: John Hardwick
Actors: Brian Hibbard, Jonny Owen, Martin Freeman, Matt Berry, Maxine Peake, Michael Smiley, Michael Socha, Morwenna Banks, Roger Evans, Vicky McClure
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Root Films
Worldwide Gross: $14,482