Sworn Virgin
In this 2015 film directed by Laura Bispuri, the story follows a young Albanian woman who adopts the traditional practice of living as a man to escape the societal constraints placed on women in her community. The narrative explores themes of identity, freedom, and the struggle between tradition and self-discovery. Alba Rohrwacher delivers a compelling performance in the lead role, capturing the nuanced journey of the protagonist. The film was well-received at various international film festivals, highlighting its poignant storytelling and cultural insights. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama
Director: Laura Bispuri
Actors: Alba Rohrwacher, Bruno Shllaku, Emily Ferratello, Flonja Kodheli, Ilire Vinca Çelaj, Lars Eidinger, Luan Jaha
Country: Albania, France, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Switzerland
Company: Bord Cadre Films, Colorado Film Production, Vivo Film
Worldwide Gross: $108,681