Take Out Girl
In this gripping urban drama, Tera Wong, played by Hedy Wong, is a resourceful young woman who uses her job as a food delivery driver to transport more than just takeout in a bid to help her struggling family. The film, directed by Hisonni Mustafa, explores themes of ambition, family loyalty, and the moral complexities of survival in a tough neighborhood. With a compelling narrative and strong performances, the movie offers a fresh perspective on the lengths one might go to for loved ones. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Hisonni Mustafa
Actors: Dijon Talton, Hedy Wong, J. Teddy Garces, Joe Rudy Guerrero Jr., Lizette Hunter, Lorin Alond Ly, Lynna Yee, Ski Carr
Country: United States of America
Company: Premiere Pre and Post, Rose Ray Media, Sabear Media