Taking Care of Business
In this 1990 comedy directed by Arthur Hiller, the story follows an escaped convict, played by Jim Belushi, who stumbles upon a misplaced Filofax belonging to a successful advertising executive, portrayed by Charles Grodin. As he assumes the executive’s identity, a series of comedic misadventures ensue, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives. The film explores themes of identity and the pursuit of happiness, all wrapped in a light-hearted narrative. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a notable entry in the comedy genre of the early ’90s. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Arthur Hiller
Actors: Anne De Salvo, Anne DeSalvo, Charles Grodin, Gates McFadden, HĂ©ctor Elizondo, Jim Belushi, John de Lancie, Loryn Locklin, Mako, Stephen Elliott, Veronica Hamel
Country: United States of America
Company: Hollywood Pictures, Silver Screen Partners IV
Worldwide Gross: $20,005,435