As the millennium approaches, a malevolent entity stirs from its slumber. Bound to an age-old Talisman for hundreds of years, Theriel, the Black Angel, is called forth from his resting place to bring about the apocalypse. This sinister harbinger must secure seven human offerings to finalize the ritual and unlock the gates of Hell. A young boy and girl have been selected to aid the angel in its lethal quest, but they also stand as the sole hope for the world’s redemption.
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: David DeCoteau
Actors: Billy Parish, Claudiu Trandafir, Constantin Barbulescu, George Duta, Ilinca Goia, Iuliana Ciugulea, Jason Adelman, Mircea Caraman, Oana Ștefănescu, Walter Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Castel Film Romania, Full Moon Entertainment, Tanna Productions