Team Marco
In this heartwarming family film directed by Julio Vincent Gambuto, a young boy named Marco finds his world turned upside down when his grandfather moves in and challenges his tech-obsessed lifestyle. As Marco is reluctantly drawn into his grandfather’s world of bocce ball and face-to-face interactions, he begins to discover the joys of real-life connections. The movie features a charming performance by Owen Vaccaro as Marco, alongside a delightful cast that brings warmth and humor to the story. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the film offers a poignant commentary on the importance of balancing technology with personal relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Julio Vincent Gambuto
Actors: Anastasia Ganias, Antoinette LaVecchia, Ethan Coskay, Greg Rikaart, Jake Katzman, Joseph Callari, Kevin Interdonato, Louis Cancelmi, Owen Vaccaro, Thomas Kopache
Country: United States of America
Company: Boro Five