Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman
In this chilling portrayal of one of America’s most infamous serial killers, the film delves into the life and crimes of Ted Bundy, capturing the fear and chaos he instilled across the nation. Directed by Daniel Farrands, the movie stars Chad Michael Murray as Bundy, offering a haunting performance that explores the psychological depths of the killer. The narrative follows the relentless pursuit by law enforcement to bring Bundy to justice, highlighting the tireless efforts of those determined to stop his reign of terror. While the film has not received any major awards, it provides a gripping account of Bundy’s life and crimes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Daniel Farrands
Actors: Chad Michael Murray, Dashiell Connery, Greer Grammer, Holland Roden, Jake Hays, Julianne Collins, Leslie Stratton, Lin Shaye, Marietta Melrose, Olivia DeLaurentis
Country: United States of America
Company: 1428 Films, Green Light Pictures