Tengo ganas de ti
In this romantic drama directed by Fernando González Molina, the story follows Hache, played by Mario Casas, as he returns to his hometown after spending time abroad. Struggling to move on from his past, he finds himself torn between rekindling an old romance and exploring new possibilities. The film delves into themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, capturing the emotional complexities of young adulthood. It features a strong performance by Clara Lago, adding depth to the narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fernando González Molina
Actors: Álvaro Cervantes, Carles Francino, Clara Lago, Cristina Plazas, Diego Martín, Marcel Borràs, María Valverde, Marina Salas, Mario Casas, Nerea Camacho
Country: Spain
Company: Antena 3 Films, Zeta Audiovisual, Zeta Studios
Worldwide Gross: $24,016,152