In the shadowy depths of a vast, unnamed metropolis, a pair of hitmen embark on a malevolent task, while a teacher struggles with a life-threatening disease. Meanwhile, a mysterious janitor and an inquisitive waitress live perilous secret lives. As night falls, their fates become entangled, driven by a vengeful and enigmatic crime lord, leading to deadly outcomes.
Views: 11
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Vaughn Stein
Actors: Dexter Fletcher, Jourdan Dunn, Katarina Čas, Les Loveday, Margot Robbie, Matthew Lewis, Max Irons, Mike Myers, Nick Moran, Simon Pegg
Country: Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Beagle Pug Films, Hassell Free Productions, Highland Film Group (HFG)
Worldwide Gross: $843,970