Sung-Bum, portrayed by Uhm Tae-Woong, is a detective known for his fiery temperament and his knack for solving cases through gut instinct. He seldom encounters a mystery he can’t unravel. However, when a police officer’s body is found in a charred vehicle near a deserted building, along with drugs nearby, the police department forms a dedicated task force to track down the murderer. Sung-Bum joins this special investigation team. Meanwhile, Ho-Ryong, played by Joo Won, is a self-assured young criminal profiler who has received training from the FBI in the United States. He is also assigned to the task force, but unlike Sung-Bum, Ho-Ryong depends on concrete evidence rather than intuition. This difference in approach leads to an immediate tension between Sung-Bum and Ho-Ryong.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Thriller
Director: Hwang Byeong-guk
Actors: Jeong Man-sik, Jo Jae-yun, Joo Won, Jung Jin-young, Kim Jung-tae, Kim Young-jae, Lee Hee-jun, Lee Tae-im, Sung Dong-il, Uhm Tae-woong
Country: South Korea
Company: Watermelon Pictures Co., Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $6,954,255