Thank You for Smoking
In this satirical comedy, the story follows Nick Naylor, a charismatic and smooth-talking lobbyist for the tobacco industry, as he navigates the challenges of defending smoking in a health-conscious society. The film delves into the world of spin and public relations, showcasing Naylor’s interactions with various stakeholders, including politicians, the media, and his own son. Aaron Eckhart delivers a standout performance as Naylor, supported by a talented cast including Maria Bello, David Koechner, and William H. Macy. Directed by Jason Reitman, the film is known for its sharp wit and clever dialogue. While it didn’t win major awards, it was well-received for its incisive commentary on corporate ethics and media influence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jason Reitman
Actors: Aaron Eckhart, Adam Brody, Cameron Bright, David Koechner, Katie Holmes, Maria Bello, Rob Lowe, Robert Duvall, Sam Elliott, William H. Macy
Country: United States of America
Company: ContentFilm, Room 9 Entertainment, TYFS Productions LLC
Worldwide Gross: $39,323,027