The Aspern Papers
Set in the late 19th century, this film follows a determined American editor who travels to Venice in pursuit of the private letters of a renowned, deceased poet. The narrative unfolds in a grand, decaying palazzo, where the editor encounters the poet’s former lover and her niece, leading to a tense and mysterious interplay of ambition and secrecy. The movie stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Vanessa Redgrave, and Joely Richardson, bringing depth to this adaptation of Henry James’s novella. Directed by Julien Landais, the film captures the haunting beauty and intrigue of its setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Julien Landais
Actors: Alessandro Bressanello, Barbara Meier, Joely Richardson, Jon Kortajarena, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Lois Robbins, Morgane Polanski, Nicolas Hau, Poppy Delevingne, Vanessa Redgrave
Country: Germany, United Kingdom
Company: Cohen Media Group, Princeps Films, Summerstorm Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $24,554