The Baby-Sitters Club
In this 1995 family comedy-drama, a group of teenage friends embarks on a summer adventure as they run a day camp for children in their neighborhood. The film explores themes of friendship, responsibility, and growing up, as the girls navigate personal challenges and the dynamics of their club. Starring Schuyler Fisk, Bre Blair, and Rachael Leigh Cook, the movie captures the essence of adolescence with humor and heart. Directed by Melanie Mayron, it brings to life the beloved characters from the popular book series. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: Melanie Mayron
Actors: Bre Blair, Brooke Adams, Christian Oliver, Larisa Oleynik, Rachael Leigh Cook, Schuyler Fisk, Stacy Linn Ramsower, Tricia Joe, Vanessa Zima, Zelda Harris
Country: United States of America
Company: Beacon Communications, Beacon Pictures, Columbia Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $9,685,976