The Beast Within
In this 1982 horror film directed by Philippe Mora, a young man named Michael MacCleary begins to experience terrifying changes as he approaches his 17th birthday. His parents, Eli and Caroline, are forced to confront a dark secret from their past that may be linked to Michael’s disturbing transformation. The film stars Ronny Cox, Bibi Besch, and Paul Clemens, who deliver compelling performances in this chilling tale. Notably, the movie explores themes of identity and the supernatural, set against a Southern Gothic backdrop. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Philippe Mora
Actors: Bibi Besch, Don Gordon, John Dennis Johnston, Katherine Moffat, L.Q. Jones, Logan Ramsey, Paul Clemens, R.G. Armstrong, Ron Soble, Ronny Cox
Country: United States of America
Company: Katzka
Worldwide Gross: $7,742,572