The Big Brass Ring
Set against the backdrop of a political campaign, this film delves into the complexities of ambition and personal integrity. The story follows a charismatic gubernatorial candidate, played by William Hurt, whose past threatens to unravel his future as he navigates the treacherous waters of politics. Directed by George Hickenlooper, the film explores themes of power, loyalty, and redemption. With a strong supporting cast including Nigel Hawthorne and Miranda Richardson, the narrative weaves a compelling tale of moral dilemmas. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: George Hickenlooper
Actors: Carmine Giovinazzo, Ewan Stewart, Gregg Henry, Irène Jacob, Jefferson Mays, Jim Metzler, Miranda Richardson, Nigel Hawthorne, Ron Livingston, William Hurt
Country: United States of America
Company: Millennium Films, Pfilmco