The Boxtrolls
In a whimsical world beneath the cobblestone streets of the Victorian-era town of Cheesebridge, a young orphan boy named Eggs is raised by a group of quirky, underground creatures known as Boxtrolls. These misunderstood beings are feared by the townspeople, who believe they are responsible for stealing their children and cheese. As Eggs embarks on a journey to save his friends from an evil exterminator named Archibald Snatcher, he discovers his true identity and the power of acceptance. The film features the voices of stars like Ben Kingsley and Elle Fanning and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. Directed by Anthony Stacchi, this charming stop-motion animation can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Anthony Stacchi, Graham Annable
Actors: Ben Kingsley, Dee Bradley Baker, Elle Fanning, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, Jared Harris, Nick Frost, Richard Ayoade, Simon Pegg, Toni Collette, Tracy Morgan
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Focus Features, Laika Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $108,255,770