The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
In this pioneering work of German Expressionist cinema, the story unfolds in a small town where a mysterious and sinister figure, Dr. Caligari, arrives with his somnambulist, Cesare, who can predict the future. As a series of murders occur, a young man named Francis becomes determined to uncover the truth behind these events. The film is renowned for its striking visual style, featuring distorted sets and stark lighting that create a dreamlike atmosphere. Directed by Robert Wiene, it is often credited with influencing the horror genre and is considered a classic of silent cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Robert Wiene
Actors: Conrad Veidt, Friedrich Fehér, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Hans Lanser-Rudolf, Henri Peters-Arnolds, Lil Dagover, Ludwig Rex, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Rudolf Lettinger, Werner Krauß
Country: Germany
Company: Decla-Bioscop AG
Worldwide Gross: $9,297