The Cake Eaters
In this heartfelt drama directed by Mary Stuart Masterson, the lives of two interconnected families in a small town are explored as they navigate love, loss, and the complexities of human relationships. The film features a standout performance by Kristen Stewart, who plays a young woman with a terminal illness seeking to experience life to the fullest. The narrative weaves together themes of longing and reconciliation, offering a poignant look at the bonds that tie people together. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its sensitive portrayal of its characters and their struggles. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mary Stuart Masterson
Actors: Aaron Stanford, Bruce Dern, Elizabeth Ashley, Jayce Bartok, Jesse L. Martin, Kristen Stewart, Melissa Leo, Miriam Shor, Talia Balsam, Tom Cavanagh
Country: United States of America
Company: 57th & Irving Productions, The 7th Floor, Vinyl Foote Productions
Worldwide Gross: $7,820