The Changeover
In this supernatural thriller, a teenage girl named Laura Chant, played by Erana James, finds herself in a race against time to save her younger brother from a malevolent spirit. Set in post-earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand, the film explores themes of family, courage, and the mystical powers that Laura must harness to protect her loved ones. The movie features Timothy Spall as the sinister antagonist, adding a layer of intensity to the narrative. Directed by Miranda Harcourt and Stuart McKenzie, the film is based on the acclaimed novel by Margaret Mahy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Miranda Harcourt, Stuart McKenzie
Actors: Benji Purchase, Ella Edward, Erana James, Kate Harcourt, Kevin James, Lucy Lawless, Melanie Lynskey, Nicholas Galitzine, Thomasin McKenzie, Timothy Spall
Country: New Zealand, United Kingdom
Company: Firefly Films
Worldwide Gross: $112,749