The Christmas Candle
Set in the enchanting village of Gladbury, this film follows the story of a skeptical young minister, David Richmond, played by Hans Matheson, who arrives to modernize the town’s traditions. The village is known for its legendary Christmas candle, believed to grant a miracle every 25 years. As the townspeople eagerly await the candle’s blessing, Richmond’s faith is tested, leading to a heartwarming tale of hope and community. The film features a notable performance by Susan Boyle in her acting debut. Directed by John Stephenson, this holiday drama can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: John Stephenson
Actors: Barbara Flynn, Emily Shewell, Hans Matheson, James Cosmo, John Hannah, Jude Wright, Lesley Manville, Samantha Barks, Susan Boyle, Sylvester McCoy
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Big Book Media, Impact Productions, Pinewood Studios
Worldwide Gross: $2,476,775