The City of Lost Children
In a visually stunning dystopian world, a mad scientist named Krank, played by Daniel Emilfork, kidnaps children to steal their dreams in a desperate attempt to slow his aging process. The film follows a strongman named One, portrayed by Ron Perlman, as he embarks on a quest to rescue his kidnapped little brother. Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, this film is renowned for its unique visual style and imaginative storytelling. Although it did not win major awards, it has gained a cult following for its artistic direction and compelling narrative. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 16
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro
Actors: Daniel Emilfork, Dominique Pinon, Geneviève Brunet, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Judith Vittet, Mireille Mossé, Odile Mallet, Ron Perlman, Rufus, Serge Merlin
Country: Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, United States of America
Company: Constellation, Le Studio Canal+, Lumiere Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,783,616