The Creeping Garden
“The Creeping Garden” is a feature-length documentary crafted independently by directors Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp, with an original score by Jim O’Rourke. This film delves into the fascinating realm of myxomycetes, also known as plasmodial slime molds, highlighting the wide-ranging research being conducted on these organisms. It showcases breathtaking original macroscopic time-lapse footage, capturing these often-overlooked entities in both their natural environments and controlled lab settings. The documentary includes interviews with artists, researchers, and scientists from various fields such as visual arts, music, mycology, computing, and robotics. Through these discussions, it explores concepts like biologically-inspired design, emergence theory, unconventional computing, and scientific modeling.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Jasper Sharp, Tim Grabham
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cinema Iloobia